

My name is Kevin. Original comic art collector. I regret nothing.

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The first two issues of My Bad were home runs! Beautifully drawn, incredibly funny, and it was easy to get immersed into this new world. and are very good at their jobs. Don't sleep on this book folks! Go get it!

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Green Lantern was rad as heck! Rob Leigh & set up so many awesome storylines in this opening issue. This is a perfect jumping on point for folks! Check it out people! ✌️🏿🟩🏮

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You guys know I’m a fan of and . They are always pushing the limits for what’s possible in telling a story. Every time I think I know where Strange Adventures is going they delightfully show me I do not! Read this comic! ✌🏾(it’s better than cake)

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This Terrifics cover from is one of my absolute favorites from 2019. I'm not sure how hits the bullseye every time, but he does.

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This Strange Adventures cover is just terrific!

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Well. I’ve read A LOT of comics in my time, and I can confidently say that Doomsday Clock stands among the absolute best. This book made me smile. and stick the landing. This story is as good as it gets, and was worth the wait. ✌🏾

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I’m going to need to see professor X’s face ASAP. The helmet shapes have me wondering 😂

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Whoa. I was hoping for more Jay Garrick in my life sooner rather than later... and seem to have delivered that in horrifying fashion. I can’t wait.

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Well I just ordered this. If I get yelled at by my wife I’m blaming .

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