Vale Nagleさんのプロフィール画像

Vale Nagleさんのイラストまとめ

Creature fantasy novelist. Author of Eyrie, Ashen Weald, Starling, Reevesbane, Crestfall, The Crackling Sea, Opinicus, & Pridelord. She/Her/Any

フォロー数:987 フォロワー数:997

I'll post a link once it's live, but if you're looking to catch up on the Gryphon Insurrection before The Ruins of Crestfall releases next month, there's a boxed set of the first three coming out in the next few days =]

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Oh my gosh, Michael Whelan's covers (well, the huge cardboard displays, book marks, and posters of them) are what first made me go into the fantasy section of the book store as a kid. Have you seen his covers for Melanie Rawn's dragon books? Swoon.

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Seconding =] I loved Cradle of Sea & Soil. Just look at that cover. And the words inside were great, too!

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Definitely Legend of Mana. Watching a friend play it now, and I'm always impressed by this game. Been a long time since I was a kid, but the more time that passes, the more I think this may have been the best RPG I played back then.

It's beautiful and the storytelling is A+.

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Congratulations on hitting 5k! I'd love to see you do a peacock gryphon, so here are some references for Brevin!

(Art below by @/brendalyonsart @/Nambroth @/kaseylsnow and @/KittrelCoyote )

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Way back with my first gryphon book, @.smatterbrain was nice enough to do some sketches on extinct gryphons with me while I was figuring out one of the character designs. We didn't do cassowary/sabertooth, but we did try out sabertooth + terror bird as one of the ideas:

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Okay, sounds like it should get fixed in the next few days =] Thank you for the heads up. It was just the Canadian store, and a few people got their copies back in April from it, which is even weirder.

Crisis averted! Back to writing book.

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Oh! We're cover artist siblings, it sounds like =] Jeff works with a lot of big publishers, small publishers, author collectives, and indie authors. I feel like he must do a hundred amazing covers a year sometimes. Here's a few he's done for me recently. Are you fantasy or scifi?

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Yay, ear tufts =] Shout out to all the caracal and lynx gryphons.

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