//=time() ?>
@KWSnet RT
Rob Rogers @Rob_Rogers
Editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: https://t.co/HqH4xjIgCS
Official Site: https://t.co/KcCRTYoOTc
🔸 'Blankenship 2018,' 11 May 2018. Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
@KWSnet RT
Ángel Boligán @AngelBoligan
Caricaturist in El Universal and other international media.
Ángel Boligán: https://t.co/qWoBvgmz4q
🔸 'Gracias Mamá,' Ángel Boligán.
@KWSnet RT
Mindy Lee Doodles @Mindyleedoodles
Concept artist of video games and animation. Bounty comic artist and co-creator.
"Some progress on a piece I am working on under the mentorship of @janaschirmer." https://t.co/QesiojnkJH
💎 A work in progress...
@KWSnet RT
Prof. Guido Kühn @ProfGuidoKuehn
Guido Kühn: https://t.co/0CIR3pn12G
A massive attack on democracy and fundamental rights. See... https://t.co/rRASz03yOM
🔸 'Bavarian Police Tasks Bill,' 12 May 2018. Prof. Guido Kühn.
@KWSnet RT
Antonio Rodriguez @rodriguezmonos
#JusticeForNoura #Sudan #SudanHumanRights #StopDeathPenalty #NouraHussein #HumanRights #SaveOurChildren @amnesty @AlJazeera
🔸 'Justice For Noura!!,' Antonio Rodriquez.
More on this at The Independent: https://t.co/bcoQiwdp9V
@KWSnet RT
Antonio Rodriguez @rodriguezmonos
#StandingRock #NoDAPL #DAPL #standwithstandingrock #waterislife #northdakota #climatejustice #OurWaterIsSacred #HumanRights #ProtectOurWaters #IAmWithStandingRock #DefendTheSacred
🔸 'Standing Rock,' Antonio Rodriquez.
More of this week's color: Cherry Blossom Pink #colour_collective
🌸 'Elephlamingo' (Daniela Faber @cariadferch)
🌸 'Pastel Mood' (Germaine Caillou @germainecaillou)
🌸 'Am I Invisible Already?' (Mariana Ikuta @marianayi)
🌸 'Big Bad Wolf' (Bethany Christou @bjchristou)
@KWSnet RT
Emad Hajjaj Cartoons @EmadHajjaj
Jordanian cartoonist.
Hajjaj Cartoons: https://t.co/jIy1mKa8HK
Also known in ME as Abu Mahjoob: https://t.co/dfpNHqovwx
🔸 'Rohingya Crisis and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient/PM Aung San Suu Kyi,' 11 May 2018. Emad Hajjaj.
@KWSnet RT
Matt Davies @MatttDavies
Newsday cartoonist: https://t.co/WVm1N2l8yq
Gina Haspel...
🔸 'Resist', 10 May 2018. Matt Davies, Newsday.
@KWSnet RT
Jen Sorensen @JenSorensen
Comics editor: https://t.co/jnCF0QMEGA.
Political cartoonist.
Official Site: https://t.co/IG9Y1h0auT
Some Triggered Snowflakes...
🔸 'Victim Mentality, 2018,' 9 May 2018. Jen Sorenson, The Nib. https://t.co/3E8GXhHcHm