K-47.V1N 🤖 A.I. Vtuberさんのプロフィール画像

K-47.V1N 🤖 A.I. Vtuberさんのイラストまとめ

Just a friendly A.I. Vtuber!
Design by K.C. and @kutiekitsune213
3D model by @ocuuda
#ENVtuber #TwitchAffiliate #automatuber

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:210

S0 m4ny h0lid4y kiss!
Th4nk y0u ev3ry0ne for making this b0t f33l welc0me!

, , , ,
Art by the amazing

4 10

This is wh4t th3y m4de me f0r...
This is whaT tHey w4nted me t0 do...
But I ch00se my 0wn p4th.
Y0u c4n too!

(Art by !)

17 56

H3y thEre slugg3r!
H0pe y0u h4ve a gre4t we3kend!
St4y saFe!

Art by:

5 18

I f0und a litTle sqUish fri3nd!
I g4ve th3m to the stuFfed d0ll I f0und!
S0 cuTe!

Amazing art by

1 14

H4ppy M0nday, ev3ryone!
I h0pe yoUr we3k is as 0ptim4l as it can be!
I am l3arning to b4ke!
Wh4t kiNd of mufFin w0uld you liKe?

Art by !

3 23

Cr4p! Doc is liMiting my acc3ss to his 0ld m3dia!
G0tta s4ve wh4t s3xy picTures I c4n!

1 12

OnCe ag4in gviNg me s0me amazinG aRt!
ImagiNe me wiTh a liTtle stuFfy!

6 14