

Artist/Musician. RPG's, Fighting & Horror Games. Game Collector. Casual speedrunner. 日本語を学習しています。Art/Music Account - @Kerra_Art

フォロー数:2215 フォロワー数:409

Hopefully i try more painting in this next half of the year >.>

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Season 3 of Non Non Biyori in January 😭

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Looking at previous paintings wondering how the heck i did them

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Some of my favourites from my favourite genres. Each have aspects I really love in their respective genres

Gotta tag someone sooo https://t.co/CTwiLqq4Pd

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And some more(My favs are Ichigo and Rukia if it wasn't obvious xD)

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Bleach is finally back so I though I'd share some of my favourite fanart I've done over the years 🎉

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Wanting to draw but you keep getting ill or accidentally hurting yourself so you can't

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Me during the ending while Leona Lewis' "My Hands" plays

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