

Mom • Aquatic Ecologist • Fish Nerd • Outdoor Lover • 🍑 PEACH STATE FISH 🍑

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Today I’m 38 weeks pregnant and my baby is the size of a Channel Catfish. Only two more weeks of my I don’t even know what fish I’ll use for the next two at 19.7” and 20”. I really hope everyone has enjoyed following along with me! 💙

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Yesterday was the start of my 34th week of pregnancy and my baby is the size of a Smallmouth Bass. I think he’s starting to drop which is definitely helping me breathe better, but then reality hits me that I have to deliver him in 6 short weeks!

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Only 7 fishes left, I can’t believe it! Today I’m 33 weeks and baby should be around 4.5 lbs and as big as a Shoal Bass (or a pineapple 🍍).

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I didn’t like the typical weird food/fruit comparisons, so I’m making my own I’m posting each week here and on my Instagram PeachStateFish 🍑 babies should totally be measured by fish sizes 😂

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I’m so excited for this week’s fish because it’s one of my all time favorites: the ALABAMA HOGSUCKER! I can’t wait to show my son one of these and I hope they make him just as happy.

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Woahhhh we’re halfway thereeee! 🎶 I’m so excited that I’m 20 weeks today and our little boy is the size of a Warmouth. He’s also just as feisty with all of his movements 😂

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Today I’m 14 weeks! The baby’s size is normally compared to a peach or small taco, but Warpaint Shiner it is! I might have to actually create a Native Freshwater Fishes Pregnancy Progress Tracker 😂

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I’ve been so bored of all of the weird food items they keep comparing my baby to so I’ve decided to do a fishy themed one! I probably won’t do every week, but stay tuned as my pregnancy progresses.

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Also I’ve been slacking on and drawing in general, so here is a Warpaint Shiner. They have such amazing blue undertones, why not make them pop!?

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