


フォロー数:243 フォロワー数:29

The first woman on earth, born of Adam's rib:
Eve from The Binding of Isaac

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This is my last draw of Loltubre a little Ivern UwU

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Loltuber day 22 best champion for trolling:

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Day 16 skins that I would like to see in game
Dia de Muertos Jhin
Dia de muertos is a beautiful mexican tradition and I think that would be great to see this type of skins in game.

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Day 14 skin that I hate:
Curling Veigar
I hate it because it gave me a lot of bad luck in all the times that I played Veigar. Always that I played with this skin everything went wrong even my boyfriend said that this skin was bad for me XDDD.

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Day 11 Favorite line of skins:
Snow Day, Halloween and Arcade
It was hard to decide which is my favorite line of skins so I decide to draw the three line of skins that I always hope to see during the year. ^u^

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Day 10 favorite duo
Morgana and lux right now with the gamemode URF I really love to play Morgana and Lux is very funny but maybe too annoying for the enemies XDD

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