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Something just got annouced - Godzilla will be Crossoing over with the Power Rangers in a new comic book series. When i saw it, it reminded me of the between MechaGodzilla and Dragonzord - maybe can really predict the future :D.

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Something i didn't say during the Happy Hour due to time - is a shoutout to all the DEATH BATTLE Artists out there. Pepole like and of course himself. You'all been doing a great job and keep doing what you are doing :D

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Since your channel likes to explore cultures of countries such as Japan,China,UK,etc. I am curious to know your thoughts on this promotion they are doing for the 2020 Olympics where they have turned Countries into anime style samurai :D.

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Fun Fact - JoJo Bizzare Adventure's Writer - Hirohiko Araki drew an image of Kenshiro. I think this was around Part 7-8 considering how fabulous Araki makes Kenshiro look

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