

lovelive (HASUNOSORA !!!) / infinity nikki / kpop / cats / stuff. ff14→ @KyumiXIV

フォロー数:231 フォロワー数:2050

7. i am only crazy about ranko in the way that i spend too much money on her cards but that is enough i still love her (i know nothing about her .)

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5+6. them two💔💔

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guys i think ill turn my miqote into a viera but i need opinions. is she better dark or light skinned? poll below pls <3

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dear love live fandom, in light of kotori's birthday being soon, i present to you: kotori with That bird

313 519

the four horsemen of the apocalypse

262 364

little known fact that maki is actually part of unicorn blizzard with you and yoshiko

49 145

wondering if anyone would commission me custom twitter headers, for like $5 each or something. here are examples of banners ive done (r/sif)

7 19

Yazawa Nico, putting her feet in others' URs since 2014

956 775