💕Kagoru 💕さんのプロフィール画像

💕Kagoru 💕さんのイラストまとめ

Call me Kag! I’m a concept artist and Princess Bubblegum’s publicist. He/Him

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:5422

As Kagorus powers grew more and more as she aged, her mother, Caitlyn had to regularly sit her down for talks, and tell her why they had to be kept a secret.

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Bonnie owns one of those Jake t-shirts from Hot Topic

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"Oh! Okay, um, this is like basic elemental history, okay, so just listen up."

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Yeah she was the first thing you see in Come Along With Me. Still in her sphere 1000 years later. If AT is ever rebooted it definitely won't center on Shermy and Beth tbh.

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Betty is such a tragic character. She was able to realize that she was on a path of self destruction by trying so hard to save Simon yet she couldn't change and let go so paid the price for in the finale.

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Like when the bomb in the farmworld was set off there was an animation error where Simon still had his crown even though Finn just put it on. Instead letting that error go by they created an entire episode to explain it with crossover.

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Please watch the ep The Hall of Egress because it is undoubtedly the best episode of the series and it's overlooked by cartoon YouTubers so much and it makes me so mad

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Me talking about Adventure Time with anyone willing to listen:

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Ren is the bluntest, most sarcastic, and most determined out of all of Riasyphs inhabitants. The first of his species to leave Maltonia with his wife Aphrodite after the war. He's never been the same since she passed.

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