

Warning: 🔞content
Local Canadian Moose working on improving my art!
Matoimaru is my wife
Profile pic by: @makotsuki424
BG: Comfy Futon
Enjoy your stay…

フォロー数:804 フォロワー数:1032

It's been a while since I colored something! Sorry for the lack of Matoimaru right now, I'll get back to it soon.

For now please enjoy this for the holidays as I try to work on my colors.

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This may come as surprise from me but Ch’en was my introductory character to my now favorite gacha game, and was one of the many reason I wanted to purse digital art. She holds a special spot in me and i doubt I’ll forget her.

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Here's my summary of this year and my debut as an digital artist, faced alot of bumpy roads along the way. I will keep doing doing my best from now to 2022 onwards.

also thanks for might've stolen your template and edited it badly, hope you don't mind.

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Young Matoimaru with her lil buddy (look at her e2 art)

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Thank you for all the support, I appreciate it alot and will keep on improving myself! Thanks for following me on this journey.

With that being said, my eyes has healed!

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I played to much muse dash lately, so i tried replicating the artstyle and Reimu was recently added into the game.

My hands hurts~

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I'm a bit late to it, but I was busy with family for a while.

Day 1 favorite operator Matoimaru

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Here it is without background!
Please support this artist since I was inspired by their post!:
if anyone is wondering who this is, this is Moroha, my online persona and a moose girl!

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[OC] And here it is everyone! My own official character! Moroha-san or sama. Feel free to give suggestions for her!

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