

Art and misfired tweets.

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I draw a hideous amount of fanart.

2 6

My own art because I thought I was going to post it to Tumblr from my phone

0 3

Fixing to go out of town for 2 weeks, might break me of this fixation.

22 128

i keep experimenting with clothes because I don't fall into the camp of "he would dress just like his father." Boy needs his own identity. I know color isn't a huge thing in SW but Rey did like green.

20 69

I had to fight the urge to just post him as soon as I finished and never get to doing her.

13 45

Follow you on my non art account but I usually do comicy work.

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Comics are starting to come back so it's time to make sure all the ones I want to come back... do that.


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So uh. Hey. I'm late to this party.

1 5

Honestly this was the biggest thing we were robbed of in TROS.

13 84