

Fakemon Creations of @SaltdCarriemel_

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:408

Silvish - Gildevil

based on silverfish, tongue-eating isopods, villains, and the concept of a silverfish (bug) evolving into a goldfish (fish) but with a twist

24 68

Completely new fakemon! (mostly, it's based on an incredibly old concept of a mon i had, literally over a decade old at this point)

Based on crocodile clips + science class circuits, and jumper cables + cars!

3 9

More redesigns! This time it's the fire starter line that I'm.. still having trouble deciding on the name for the base form, either way, base + mid-evo got complete overhauls, bonfursus I was mostly happy with so it was just tweaking patterns/colours/shapes!

3 12

another redesign! this time it's mawazumi, the electric/fighting jerboa pikaclone! mostly just editing the facial proportions/colours/patterns, much happier w/ this design over over the original

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