The Kaikage (Comms 6/10 complete)さんのプロフィール画像

The Kaikage (Comms 6/10 complete)さんのイラストまとめ

Transformers, movies, comics, animation and anime enjoyer. Bumblebee and Cliffjumper fanboy. I draw stuff. Don’t repost my art without permission pls. RIP REX…

フォロー数:986 フォロワー数:20143

I will now headcanon them as father and daughter

161 1452

And Hyperion originally was able to stop time and characterized to be really ignorant and edgy in 2020. I changed his character entirely thank god

7 83

I originally made Nighthowl for a friend and her original name was Sagefang. The friend I made her for let me keep her as my oc and I reinvented Sage into Nighthowl and gave the Sagefang name to another OC Who is now Warfang.

64 488

I used to think these two were related…..I still kinda do 🫠

21 433

Might be jumping the gun a bit but ROTB might have my favorite design for Optimus Primal. The blades are the cherry on top for this design. Nightbird Mirage and Battletrap are also great though I’m not a fan of Nightbird and Mirage’s Battlemasks

34 281

Byakuya, Momo and Izuru should’ve died. It’s also really annoying how almost all of the antagonists are killed, but but none of the main characters die and it just makes the conflict in the story feel sort of weightless imo

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Its crazy that pedophiles can just openly lust for children on this site. Elon’s doing a bang up job isnt he 🗿🗿🗿🗿

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