

I’m Kaito-San. 34 year old wolf and cousin to Inuyasha. I want to be just like him and kick demon butt. Single male wolf. Telegram: @Kaitosa 1XPE3AP

フォロー数:1091 フォロワー数:451

Ooooo in that case I volunteer my OC to be in your story UwU

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Thank you for doing this raffle!! Good luck to all UwU

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Now what do you floofy floofs think of this samurai wolf?

1 14

This will be so awesome!!
Thank you for doing this raffle UwU

0 1

This is awesome thank you!!

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As always you rock Shade!! Thank you for all that you do

0 3

Thank you for doing this raffle UwU
Good luck to everyone!!

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Now how many of you were peaking at the samurai wolf as he bathed in the hot springs after his meditative training? Naughty!! Hehe
Many thanks to

for this wonderful photo of Kaito U///w///U

4 20

Thanks for doing this raffle UwU
Good luck to everyone

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