

22, He/Him
IGN is Kaizo
Mostly clips of @MCCIsland_, might be moderating on there, who knows really.

PFP by @ArinabaA
Banner by me :)

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:1251

mfw my hair started thinning after this tweet

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Cashier Pain

Me: Register 6 is open sir you can go there
Them: No they aren't there's no one there
Me: You can't see them because they're too short

(Art by thank you SO MUCH!!)

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More than one private quote retweet

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I mean kinda if you angle it right yeah

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Dang you fools thought I was going GRAY? On April fools day of all days! Ha! You got got. Bufoons! I've pulled yet another epic prank on the world. Back to colorzo 😎

0 24

Hell yeah, new and improved me!

Thank you once again for the amazing skins you've done for me now and in the past, if you haven't already go follow him! He does cool models and needs more support😎

1 43

ManWithRaft can you please identify the individual in this image

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