

My Oshi is

I hope she is always happy and healthy please pray for her🥺

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:512

All girls did great! Good stream!!!

You are an very good dancer Kiara!! Thanks for teaching!!

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What a lovely game! I had so much fun watching this. It's very cute indeed. I love all the characters and the minigames are great! Goob job boss on getting all the endings! Your voice acting was ESPECIALLY amazing this stream. I love you Kiara

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Kiara after 5 min of training:

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Thanks for the stream and for letting me play with you. I had a lot of fun. I had a laughing fit when you lost the challenge within 20s and then had to make new rules 🤣 You are the best Kiara. Love you so much my sunshine.

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She's so beautiful 🙏

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You of all people should know you don't give orders to cats. Cats give orders to you 😤

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I regret nothing! 😳 See you in the Usual Room.

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