

成人済/ジャンルを問わない好きなもの関連の呟きや日常の呟きをしたり、絵を描いたりします。雑多垢/推し Vライバー:🤟さん 🌩🦒さん ⚡さん ツイステ:♣さん/腐 地雷はほとんど無い雑食です ⚠️Don't re-upload my pictures.

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:583

Thank you very much☺️
When I saw the silhouette at the time, I imagined him taking a half-year anniversary photo with the dog 🐾

12 71

Thank you for your kind words. It's such an honor to hear that from an Oshi artist😭💖 I am happy that I was able to bring a smile to your days through my paintings.
I drew this with reference to your cute icon, the polar bear. I would be happy if you could receive it 😌

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🤟🐱さんと🤟🐰さん 私得解説

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🤟🐱さんと🤟🐰さん ②

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Thanks for tagging me 登之-san🙇
This year has been a very happy year for me, meeting EN, meeting new Oshis, and meeting many wonderful artists. I hope to see you next year.
They are people I love and respect very much! https://t.co/WiEwi6OjYE

37 259

Thanks for tagging me niko-san🙇
This year has been a very happy year for me, meeting EN, meeting new Oshis, and meeting many wonderful artists. I hope to see you next year!
They are people I love and respect very much! https://t.co/NcdRKZabrj

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