

comma-dez (or just call me Dez) | Co-Founder @StarcatchersNFT

フォロー数:3083 フォロワー数:6546

Much newer project that I came across, only around 15 pieces into the collection and already has secondary sales. Really cool artwork and at a price point of .019 it is more than fair to try and snag one up yourself. Community is still building but like what's to come.

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Long time supporter of Ken, really love his style of work and feel like anyone can enjoy some great pieces that will go perfect for the personal collection. Very unique style of work and on HM list simply because his name is already out there also.

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1. Extremely experienced creator with over 15 years of experience in design and animation. Goes VERY deep into Lore, has breeding, and looks to be a project in the long term as there are multiple levels that distinguish different designs. DONT SLEEP ON THIS ONE ‼️

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2. : Even though I am not a holder yet and dont want to shoot my own foot on this one, I couldn't leave them out. Amazing style of work with a great community backing it up. Very early in the collection but has very promising sales and interaction.

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3. : Sticky Keys builds communities. Strong believer in sticky as they do more collabs and add more keys for utility. Having multiple communities connect with one another and potentially be the first NFT Social media game / challenge is awesome to be apart of.

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1/1 Handmade Pieces out of 100. Check out the news posted yesterday on utility 👀

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