

Full-Stack Developer + Art Hobbyist (banner by photonoko)
Creator of ocbin.com
Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/10898…
Patreon: patreon.com/kameloh

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:27546

Painting practice~! It's been so long since I've done any art of my character Sarah

19 127

Last year I made 2 paintings for the first Kemoners book. It was a really unique experience since I've never done a collaboration before with other artists (I want to do more!) Gotta start planning thumbnails for Kemoners 2 :D

17 114

The Mage Apprentice. Just a fun thumbnailing/painting experiment... I really gotta give her a name

43 175

Some lighting test. This is what happens when you listen to Tool and A Perfect Circle while sketching :P

29 124

I love making headpieces

48 214

Testing out a different painting method... not used to using so many layers and the colors got kinda muddy in some areas

34 200

Scroll Keeper Poncho Cat

25 107

First painting of my character Taavi! I really gotta make more art of her :D

42 190

Laentina - A really fast sketch of PsychoENinja6's character :)

31 138