

Sean | Autistic | Kamen Rider/Super Sentai | The Loud House | Amphibia | Fellow Stooge | Nintendo | Soundtrack Enthusiast | pfp by @eagc7

フォロー数:86 フォロワー数:1662

This show is already winning me over. 😂

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ABSOLUTELY!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/6jKxj3ibHa

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This was the Ugly Barnacle before there was an Ugly Barnacle.

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Your thoughts on my family?

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Baby girls.🥺😭❤️

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"If I were given one day to be out-of-character, I would GLADLY give you a beatdown! But I'm not that kind of guy."

"You're not strong enough to take me down anyway."

"No, I'm not...but she is."

Lana (evil grin):

"Uh oh."

9 32

LJ: "...What? I'm smart when I need to be."

Lincoln: "It'd be a whole lot better if you were like this all the time."

LJ: "What was that?!"

Lincoln: "You heard me!"

Lisa: "That's it! You two are banned from partishipating in thish misshion!"

Lincoln/LJ: "Aw!"

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