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@MarkYetter Deadmans nerf and Shen buffs, FeelsYorickMan..
On another note, Yorick has a bug atm where, the minion wave aggroes onto him from pet dmg..
This was patched out in 8.23 Hotfix so Wtf?
His Winrate also has tanked Gold+ but remained the same Iron-Silver..
@anthea_zammit This i looking great, would love to see 1 since it looks like he'll be summoning evershade Stalkers.
The 3 Pumpking Overlord one looks fun aswell, Kinda like the skinline we got last time.
2nd looks like it could be Gatekeeper Yorick which has fanart.
4th reminds me of El Tigre
@MarkYetter Welp I did call it didn't I?
It's deserved I admit, but I also did hope the 200% would be tuned down to 150% or less but naw..
Now he's getting his base dmgs hard nerfed again, not to mention Ratio aswell now..
I just hope he gets compensations later on.😒
@Hashinshin Hold it there partner.
Though that'll be good so ppl would stop complaining about him, as if he has no counterplay, when the buff was skillshot reliant.
Otherwise nothing has changed.
You were unlucky/doing poorly on Rick though.
If ya need tips for any reason just ask us mains.
The HP nerf is weird, but it can affect him in more ways than one, here's a few examples:
Ghouls have less HP to reduce AoE dmg.
Same goes for DMG redcution vs Monsters.
(Slows down & Ruins Yorick Jg a bit more)
Ghouls will die quicker vs minions when set free.
So yeah it hurts..
@riot_captain @MarkYetter Take your time, his code probly a bit Spaghetti atm, since his pet AI and code may just be old or really different than the others right now.
Hope their aggro system gets looked at, since they focus what we hit, unless we land E or enemy aggros them.
Maybe if we Q an enemy? Idk🤷♂️
@MarkYetter @GhoulGuyGG @NinetalesOCE @imKrykey @yorick_ft_ghoul @ManuelAutin @Tomo7182 All I'll ask is that if his Winrate spikes A LOT.
Don't Gut him so hard immediately like before.
ONLY because you're buffing his main Mythic AND Serylda which are items he buys.
Not to mention a lot of ppl don't know what he does or how he fights + Pet AI System.
Just a heads up.