Ally 🎠 32位 in Submarine 💙💜さんのプロフィール画像

Ally 🎠 32位 in Submarine 💙💜さんのイラストまとめ

CEO of KanaSou ~ 25⬆ ~ Akatsuki/MBC/TrickstarP ~ I write sometimes! ~ I would literally give my life for Kanzaki Souma ~ Fire Emblem twitter @festivalofthe12!

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:217

For Valentine's Day I really wanted to make another KanaSou fanart, so here you go!!! 💖 I still love that Souma was the one to help Kanata make his Chocofes chocolates so I definitely wanted to draw something relating to that! So I guess this is the taste testing? 😊🍫

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Saw one of these with Ritsu, so of course I had to make one, too <3

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Souma Valentines!!! 🥰
(Yes, number 3 here is an actual tanka with the correct number of syllables and everything. Please appreciate it. :P) (2/2)

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Want to declare your undying loyalty to your master this Valentine's Day but aren't sure how? Then you're in need of this extremely important and helpful collection of Souma themed Valentine's Day cards! 😘⚔️ (1/2)

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Akatsuki: We are a refined, serious unit who do NOT engage in fanservice.

Also Akatsuki:

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Alsooo if you're interested, I made some more 100x100 icons for Ensemble Stars over here!
IDK if they'd be of any use to y'all because hardly anywhere uses icons of that size outside of LJ and DW anymore but oh well!

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Hapiele: Akatsuki are a serious unit that engages in a lot of dramatic acting work!

Akatsuki, acting:

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Pls remember to love and respect Kanzaki Souma at all times!!!!!!!!!

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*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

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This one red cord Souma put his hair up with for the first Akatsuki outfit and then brought back again for various other assorted costumes

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