

🇺🇸🇲🇽|Fox EN V-Tuber | Twitch affiliated | pfp:@kurominasai | Momma:@Dangohan37 | Papa:@NNIPESS | Throne: throne.com/kanaevt

フォロー数:666 フォロワー数:1428

joining the trend, hello you're looking good 😍

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Thank you for the opportunity I really like headbash and spray

0 2

new hmmm emote from the amazing thank you so much! make sure you check out izzy's amazing work!

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thank you so much i love it sooo much! 🥹❤️

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🎨February Art giveaway🎨

3 winners will get a half body illustration by the talented i am so excited for this one.

To enter: Like and RT(Mandatory)
and drop your PNG(Optional)

Please go check out Saturn.

Deadline is feb 28.❤️

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