Sauce Kさんのプロフィール画像

Sauce Kさんのイラストまとめ

I do draws and I have a dog. 29. Commissions CLOSED. icon by @JWNTjwnt

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:378

Athena: P much like having a personal doctor hovering around you the whole time. She knows more that the actual doctors. makes sure your vaccinated and eat Kale 9/10.

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Aphrodite: Also thrilled for you- maybe now you will go out and DATE people for fucks sake. healing takes too long and she bounces but leaves you medicine and supplies first. 6/10

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Dionysus: Totally there for you, genuinely doesn't understand why you can't have wine right after your surgery. Keeps trying to give it to you tho. Is somehow more excited for you than you are. takes your pain meds. your here for a god time not a long time. 6/10

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Artemis: has no idea what to do. Feeds you a lot, but doesn't stick around beyond that. she's got forest nymph girlfriends to be with. tries to use medicinal herbs but cant tell leaves apart, gives you poison Ivey. She's a hunter not a botanist. 5/10

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Zeus: Tells everyone what a good job he's doing taking care of you when all his done in transform into different animals and ask if it looks hot. you are dying of dehydration. 0/10

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Nyx: Amazing, better than u could imagine, knows what foods to eat to heal best. Asks how u are feeling, cares about your mental health and physical. Makes u drink prune juice. Texts the doctor probably too much to ask questions and give updates she really already knows, 13/10

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Hypnos: Doesn't know what top surgery is but will nap with you during your bed ridden times. if you ask him to get anything he'll come back 3 days later with the wrong thing or nothing at all and fall asleep in your bed again. 10/10

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Hades: Actually does a good job too though he calls U a pathetic loser all the time and will fight u if u try to get out of bed in the first week by urself. you caNNOT complain about pain or he will go OFF on u. U are in good hands but also prepare 2 be mentally obliterated 8/10

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Charon: He gots everything you need- your meds, ginger ale, a vom bag, wedge pillow, you name it. Then you get a bill a week into it and you pay or he murders you. So p much the american health care system. 4/10

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Alecto: worse than Tisiphone she wants your stitches to open up -3/10

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