

self-proclaimed illustrator, sometimes drawing things, looking for mutuals uwu. Graphic design & illustration. Please do not use/repost my artwork


フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:142

So, now you meet Bella it's time to upload more content of her... Here's a crazy Bella in a more urban outfit, I'm still working on her powers that will be related to the poison

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Hello everyone, I have been tagged by my friend tartostuchus, I like to create character designs mainly, sometimes I do challenges and some other fanart, I'll tag

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Yey yey yeeeeey, I like how she looks, I'm still looking for a name, well, enjoy it!

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Ok, now I am doing color tests, aaannnddd, I think it's very clear what will be the color palette that I'm going to use, but well, I'm going to test others.
(sorry for the quality, the tests I made are too small :'c)

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Hi hi! Congratulations!! I'm Kano, I love drawing characters and sometimes i make fanarts too. Check account!

My work here⬇⬇

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First of all, thank you for the thread uwu. I'm Kano, digital illustrator, I love drawing original characters lately with creepy auras. Sometimes i make fanarts. I'll tag

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Don't ask. I'm Just trying to get out of the artblock.

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These days I'm playing a roleplay with my friends to pass the quarantine and I've sketched our respective characters. Hi! I'm the one-horned demon!

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And my favorite is of course... Senku!

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Uhm... Idk if anyone can join this but... HI! i'm Kano a digital artist who love drawing characters! Thank u so much for the thread

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