

It's Your Outlet Kaphonie. That Indie Pop Artist that wears controllers on his head & Stuff ヾ(•ω•`)o xD
#controlyourhat :P

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:62

I finally saved up for a new PC AND UTS FREAKIN' AMAZING!!!! :D I'm gunna be able edit videos and produce content like nobody's business!!! ^0^)/ I have to get the hang of using a mouse. I'm like derp derping with it xD!!

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My elbow is doing better!! ^-^)/ I have to start being careful and allowing regular breaks. That's not easy because everything I work on is time consuming and I just want to get a project done when I'm working on it and I have so many to do. xD

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I forgot to take these in 4k and I also forgot to record close up footage of it in 4k for the review video. 🤦‍♀️

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