

🎍Illustrator, Coding lady and aspiring VA | 20s | 🏳️‍🌈
🎍Previously Kogasaurus
🎍Open for commission : commiss.io/kapioga

フォロー数:2315 フォロワー数:454

Yesterday was my first day being snowed in and I already miss this heat. I piled a whole can of whipped cream on my hot cocoa after shoveling... :)

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Havent drawn for my self in since the year started, so I guess this is the first piece for 2019!

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Summary of Art progress over the past couple years. It still surprises me how much has changed since!

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Even the biggest of friends need help crossing the street ^^

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Hey there, I'm Lashanda (Koga) and I'm a Jamaican animator, Character designer and illustrator looking for work in MD/NY/VA!

✉️ ldaleyvo.com
🖍️ Portfolio: https://t.co/eN0WAaBSgz
🖍️ Reel: https://t.co/GpavktCoZe
🖍️ Instagram: https://t.co/a95cCSpErJ

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I started playing Animal Crossing New Leaf on Thanksgiving and I absolutely LOVE Sparro!! <3

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Raichu and Pancakes are two of my favourite things about the Alola Region! The pancake race episodes is still one of my favourites too!

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Part two of Ned doodles! I have no idea what these little guys are but theyre so fun to play with!

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Trying out different ways to draw faster! Arent they the sweetest!

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Taking an early morning stroll!~

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