

I mostly tweet about food, anime, video games and being sleep deprived | @TaigaLily_ a qt | @demoniodasonze is my cute idol

フォロー数:1660 フォロワー数:3023

Has this been done yet?

11 33

We made 420g heavy burgers! 🍔🍺

7 11

Anime girls with burgers.
But also: Anime girls with beer.

60 205

I think there's something wrong with my cat

2 2

I have way too many pics I saved over 10 years ago and I don't use anymore.
I think I'll delete almost everything.

9 45

I was born in a friday the 13th!

0 1

I'm not going to do anything productive today!

18 92

I'm now awake and on my PC with breakfast!

6 24