☠️ Li @ eepymoding☠️さんのプロフィール画像

☠️ Li @ eepymoding☠️さんのイラストまとめ

They/Them. 🇲🇾. 22 NOT OPEN FOR FREELANCE RN, sometimes I write tabletop games too Not free from ramblings. Contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:605 フォロワー数:4683

I decided to finally draw a proper ref for an oc I've had for many years now. Vilfred, protector of the mountains and paladin of the Many Eyed Sun!

18 60

My brain: What if you make 'skins' for your ocs
Me, slapping the desk and my tablet pen: THATS A FUCKING GREAT IDEA

22 76

Fashion pics I did for a challenge over at RoTP!!!

Who knew i really liked warm red and yellow with a grey background huh.

5 13

Fuck around with a mech or two and find out!

An old doodle of Merlot's current frame, the Monarch!!

21 65

Hands u guys.... a Wife......

16 50

[WIP] And here they say romance is dead!!!

It ain't but the gods we slay sure are!!!!!

9 27

New DnD char!! He's totally not an airheaded oracle from a cult-like community of elves living in the forest haha that'd be wack as all hell... right??

16 53

Valentines stuff i did!!! (that i forgot to post lmao)

3 11


A hivemind frame that utilises support systems to make its drones an even bigger nuisance than before. If you like troop management, this may be the one for you!


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