ᖽᐸᗩᖇᘻᗩ. ᖇᘿᑢᖻᑢᒪᘿᕲさんのプロフィール画像

ᖽᐸᗩᖇᘻᗩ. ᖇᘿᑢᖻᑢᒪᘿᕲさんのイラストまとめ

☀ • Real Eyes • REALIZE • Real Lies •💫
🌌 The Real Revolution
is the Spiritual Evolution
of Human Consciousness.🧘🏻‍♀️💫 #StarStuff👩🏻‍🚀 •escape the matrix•

フォロー数:9260 フォロワー数:11654

The tiny seed knew ...
that in order to grow,
it needed to be dropped in dirt,
covered in darkness and
struggle to reach the light. 💫

36 147

I will love the Light,
for it shows me the way,
Yet I will endure the darkness;
because it shows me the stars.
- Og Mandino

38 104

Control what you think;
And then;
You control what you do.

11 30