Karma 💗💛💙さんのプロフィール画像

Karma 💗💛💙さんのイラストまとめ

whats a fandom im all over the place. i do whatever art i want fam

フォロー数:1132 フォロワー数:44

Im not a good hypegremlin but look at squid ink and remember your art is swag

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There is nothing your God can do to hurt me :3

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i’m karma i’m into many kinds of media and i draw

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I don’t have many artist friends but is quite rad and prolly doesn’t need the clout
Anyways, Howdy! I’m karma

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They represent the seven deadly sins and the last of Pandora’s box, Hope
In order Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, And of course Hope, or perseverance

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