

✨ Art Stuff ✨ Create Stuff ✨ Voice Stuff ✨ Weave Stuff ✨ Eternally Tired ✨ 🖤🤍💜 ✨ Wify @Virginia_Fox28 ✨ Lvl 33 ✨((No longer using Twitter))

フォロー数:3543 フォロワー数:838

Moonlighter is super cute, with a very interesting story! ✨

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Blessed Autumnal Equinox and Mabon! Here is a friendly glowing mushroom I drew for a friend~ 🍄✨

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Breath of the Wild is what had me fall in love with the console, it might have been the whole reason we got a Switch in the first place.

Now we have two, it’s my fav console because my wife and I can play anything together/at the same time. The new Pokemon games were a blast!

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Whimsicott!! They don’t get enough love~♥️

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Whimsicott!! I vividly remember playing, and I traded an NPC a Pokémon for a Cotonee. I didn’t have any intentions of actually raising it but Grass type ended up being helpful... and it was cute... and then it evolved and it was even cuter!! And then it nearly they soloed the E4.

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My gosh, I love this game so much, he’s one of my favorite FF characters of all time!

I went through hell to get his Tripple Triad card! And I drew it after~

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