Kat The Rat 🐀 Cries in Candela Obscura✨💜さんのプロフィール画像

Kat The Rat 🐀 Cries in Candela Obscura✨💜さんのイラストまとめ

(灬º‿º灬)♡ Kat!! -22- they/she ADHD
Admin of Ukicord 💜✨
🔮 🐑🦊🦁📗= oshis
PFP by @kuneho_wan !!!
Meine Leibe: @jermy_9

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:86

Hahahahahah,,,,,,, sad bitch hours plus the rare elusive happy boi,,, https://t.co/ClHZ5JoTPi

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Also obligatory art post!
Caduceus and my PC Drow Wizard, Meliamne!

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This is what happened yesterday while buying my Anime Impulse QandAbyss panel ticket (real)

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My Mingzhu! She can't control her soul fire very well and cries because (she's just a crybaby) she misses Kaichou ♥️♦️

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Day 2: Highschool
He’s smitten with the nerd who talks about novels 💜❤️

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