

Illustrator/Concept goblin | Cat mom | She/her | Chaotic tired
I paint stuff for games.

フォロー数:5497 フォロワー数:4946

Leavin this here so I don't forget to finish da birbs

26 92

Sans the boobcups, don't even get me started on boobcups.

7 25

"Death is the wish of some
The relief of many
and the end of all."

30 128

Channeling more doom n gloom :P

12 81

Patreon reward for
Tried out some new things with this one, exciting!
TY for bein awesome

5 36

Art progress from 2013 - 2016
o v o it's something...lol

0 17

Hi, I'm Sara - Freelance Illustrator, aspiring comic artist and lover of the cute & macabre.

19 60

Things that get me mad: oh yes, I would like some art but I would never pay X amount for it, that's ridiculous!

3 17

Aha~ lookit that.
Eyeballing the before and after of this piece is quite something~ many thanks to for HALP

3 29