DoL_Mel748: GO WATCH MY NAME IS NOBODY (1973)さんのプロフィール画像

DoL_Mel748: GO WATCH MY NAME IS NOBODY (1973)さんのイラストまとめ

idk if god exists, but something heavenly gave us the MS-19 Dolmel. I'm a fan of Mecha, Ultraman, Future Cyber Formula, and etc.

フォロー数:2023 フォロワー数:1445

People talk about downgrades yet barely anybody mentions this

11 38

What my mutuals think they'd be like if they piloted a mecha vs who they would actually be

9 62

Granted Dracodeus is so fucking extra that it's fucking beautiful

10 23

Stupid sexualized is kino don't tell ya otherwise

6 36