


フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:11784

Who's that crazy cat?!
He's laughing like he's still got nine more lives
Who's that crazy cat?
I say, he looks a lot like me...! 🎵

10 39

never too late to come back to something

2 32

Crossover with Scotsin's verse on the Worldbuilding Discord server

47 170

Sometimes character/clothing design is hard and sometimes it just comes to you like that

42 172

This constant self-criticism, self-parody, and emotional vulnerability not only creates a tighter knit community based on respect and trust rather than on fear, but also acts as a direct shield against bad-faith actors attempting to infiltrate these circles

7 59

Effectively, this continued fixation on self-vulnerability and the acceptance of being a single individual in a grander, complex system ironically creates a safeguard that makes our work more difficult for bad-faith actors to appropriate and enjoy themselves.

5 46

Depictions of suffering and flawed but sympathetic individuals who are not "heroes" are not useful to the fash propaganda machine, yet are a major portion of art in our leftist circles. The ur-fascist simply cannot withstand this kind of self-introspection and criticism.

8 48