


フォロー数:265 フォロワー数:11511

Never satisfied with character designs, always changing them sometime down the line...

A halfand synth friend

139 540

Have a Wintertide apprentice

9 88

so did their best at creating a +700 nerf gun so I'll reward them with this railgun of their design

9 78

So uh, would anyone be interested in icons like these? Say $15 a pop?

16 56

square footage is deceptive
(637ft² vs 477ft²)

15 158

Today I ran into a crew who were working on a magazine piece about ancient technology enthusiasts

29 137

Speaking of, as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or hieratic never wrote down vowels, a lot of people mistake Anubis' Egyptian name as "Anpu".

However, by cross-referencing other languages at the time, his Egyptian name was somewhere along the lines of "Anapa".

14 67

Hey!! everyone's favourite Wintertide agents Neli & Jaslyne are now on my !


6 51

no one ever asks him if it's too early or late to holler at him

9 79