

The KawaiiCatGirls contains of 3333 Unique anime designs With 500 upcoming collections!Utilities:Airdrops,giveaway,Lotto & more!


フォロー数:322 フォロワー数:233

OG Kawaii Holders❤️
- Airdrops for 500 collections!
- free NFT for every OG Kawaii
- royalty collection for every sale on Opensea
- Daily Raffles
-Lucky Wheel to earn free NFTs and ETH
-Lucky LOTTO chance for holder to win the daily prize!
Much more to come!

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OG Holders
- Airdrops for 500 collections!
- free NFT for every OG Kawaii
- royalty collection for every sale on Opensea
-Lucky Wheel to earn free NFTs and ETH
-Lucky LOTTO chance for holder to win the daily prize!
Much more to come!

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Every piece are Kawaii!❤️ Every piece provides Utility! 😉#NFT

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