

IG: kayleigh_mcmurray

フォロー数:316 フォロワー数:404

I’ve spent £110 on plants in the last week and not one of them is for me

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People in Asda not following the arrows on the floor

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Why am I so tired today

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Me patiently trying to let Jason sleep whilst I lie here wide awake

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We are 6 days into 2020 and I’ve already had 2 days off and I’ve got 12 more booked off before the end of Feb

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*watches Jeffree Stars house tour video*

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I would NEVER cook bacon in the microwave

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Me waiting for payday

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2 years ago we paid our deposit to live together and honestly (if you excuse the low key/high key drama) it’s been such a good time living with Emily and Carys, I couldn’t live with better people and they make me life so happy 💕

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