🏳️‍⚧️ Kay Xavier - is on Blskyさんのプロフィール画像

🏳️‍⚧️ Kay Xavier - is on Blskyさんのイラストまとめ

Book Blogger - Writer - Illustrator
27 - They/Them
Writing: Our Way:Love (SFF/Rom) GN
and Roll for Love! (F/Rom) D&D GN

フォロー数:2478 フォロワー数:394

Hello hun!! I’m Lovie and I’m a growing designer and character artist.

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If you waaannnnaaaaaaa, this is the headshot i did of Lovie for Halloween. But. She is a long tailed lynx that’s a space bard and likes staying indoors with her cat. XD (your edits are beautiful btws)

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WIP update. I’m cold. And huddled over my iPad. 😾😾😾

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Started playlist nag again recently and got some major throw back for my ocs.

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Idk if I posted this. But here is a wip of the mad god and his counter part, the bringer of sanity. (Insert cooler name for orange dude here)

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drew something today, my boy that i kinda had to take 's Warfstash pallette to create the Mad God that is Willy. very furry much OwO but, got out of my depressed slump so i guess it all worked out.

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