

Why the hang dog? You can't escape yourself!

フォロー数:422 フォロワー数:1430

I only just noticed the massive veins in Robert's arms in both of these pieces of art for Art of Fighting 2.

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Something like this would have helped. I remember this working for me if Millia was putting the donut over my head back when I played Anji in this game, but of course they took Azami away from Baiken, just like so much else.

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The fucking Genos skin for Genji in OW2...like bro, what did they do to the top of his head?

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I'm already a demon.

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Why does Kliff get /this/?

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Going from this, which already made the PS2 look like the future in 2000...

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Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Sakura is adorable.

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