

28|🔞|🏳️‍🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿| Hello, I'm MA6P13! (Magpie)| Vtuber| Pokemon, FFXIV and other games 🎮

フォロー数:326 フォロワー数:240

I'd love to give it a try! I've only just started to draw again but I'm loving it!

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New commission I done! A very happy lalafel having their... Apple Juice 😬

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I've started drawing again!! I make take a few request so I can practise some more 🙈 if anyone has a WOL/OC they'd like drawn please lemme know and I might draw it for you~

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This is Angie! I headshot would be cool :D

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First night without a internet disconnection. Feels good.

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These are never coming off they're all I've ever wanted 😭😭

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