

Avid gamer, and occasional writer/game designer. Apparently an AI art producer, I guess? Technically ran for president.

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:54

Here's an example of why I say isn't replacing real just yet. This image looks really good, but only if you don't look too close. Take a second glance, or zoom in, and it's an absolute mess. Good for showing a real human what I want, and not much else.

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Recently started binging your channel. I felt like your Pantherald was a bit dull looking, so I tried to see what it would look like with some colours used in heraldry - Red and Blue, with regal purple and gold accents. I kind of like it.

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Thanks for the update! I will try to suppress my urge to scream "Work faster, dangit!". I just really want to play this game, and even though I know getting my code sooner won't change when it unlocks on Steam, I'm still anxious to get my hands on it.

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This didn't actually come out too far off what I was aiming for. Not bad

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I tried to capture this moment. Using my "amazing" skills at "art".

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