

フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:39413

Shiny Celebi available via Special Research.
Shiny Rufflet will be available in raids and in 5km eggs.
Shiny Explorer Pikachu will also be available in the wild and raids.
Starting on December 14, 8am (local time).

196 1926

New event from October 9, 8am to October 12, 1pm (local time)
Berries will be twice effective when used on your buddy or to catch a Pokémon.
Shiny Vulpix will be available.
Autumn-themed Pokémon from 5km eggs.

154 1228

Next Community Day on August 8 with Magikarp :
- Exclusive move : Aqua Tail
- x3 catch stardust
- Incense will last 3 hours

182 1694

New stickers have been added !

85 1146

Bug-Out event from June 26, 8am to July 1st, 10pm :
Shiny Dwebble will be available.
Bug-Type Pokémon will appear in the wild, raids and from 5km eggs.
Nincada, Wurmple & Scyther will appear more frequently from incense
Pinsir Raid Day on July 28 from 11am to 2pm

79 728

Pikachu with Charizard & Umbreon hats have been added !
Rayquaza & Lucario hats haven't been added yet.

134 1215

Elite TM attacks added !
118 Pokémon can learn these attacks

152 1027

Go Battle League event from March 10 to March 12 :
Cresselia & Registeel in T5 raids.
Go Battle League celebration from March 13 to March 16 :
Giratina Altered Form in T5 raids.
Shiny Timburr will be available.
You'll be able to do 35 battles per day.

151 860

Shiny Piplup family !

93 729

January Team Go Rocket reward will be Shadow Moltres !
January Research Breakthrough Lapras with Ice Shard or Ice Beam
Hatchathon is back from January 2 to January 16 !
Shiny Heatran available in raid from January 7 to February 4 !

144 912