

A Guy who trying to make our voices known to the world. Tweet and RT about #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar at Currently.

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While death toll rate in Myanmar keep increasing&civilians keep suffering under Military Coup for more than 6 months, is still inviting SAC junta to attend parliament assembly instead of inviting to end this hell under Military Coup.

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Today is the 71st anniversary of Karen Martyrs' Day. Lets fight for Federal Democracy together, friends.

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A lot of villagers from 5 villages in tsp reportedly fled away as the clashes between SAC terrorists and PDF have erupted since last week. Accommodations and foods are also urgently needed now.

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The military are unable to control the COVID-19 outbreak in Myanmar.
They are committing genocide by letting COVID-19 spread on purpose. Many have died and many are dying.

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Massive Amount of People are Dying Everyday,due to JUNTA's Control over Covid Pandemic.

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Dear and ,

What do you think of the genocidal military dictatorship?We are struggling to survive between military dictatorship and Covid-19. We need organizations that love the truth.

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Dear and

Why are you watching the genocide of our country by the military dictator?

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Dear and

Why are you watching the genocide of our country by the military dictator?

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Everyone said But no one cares about Terrorist Junta SAC weaponize At least 1000 civilians died due to Covid-19 daily in Myanmar.

? ?

These Org are like the useless jokes.

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