Kent Culotta has questions.さんのプロフィール画像

Kent Culotta has questions.さんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, Writer, and Animator. Lover of books and loves to draw. Illustrator most recently of TOW TRUCK 1, 2, 3 and other books.
SCBWI member.

フォロー数:1247 フォロワー数:1013

"Risk" (and "Disguise") Kentober 2021, day 31. "Gabriel realized he didn't consider the RISKs when he put on his big sister's wizard DISGUISE!"

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"Slither" (and "Moonlight") Kentober 2021, day 30. "The ghoulies performed their SLITHERy midnight dance in the MOONLIGHT."

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"Open" (and "Brisk") Kentober 2021, day 22. "Suddenly a BRISK wind blew the front door wide OPEN."

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"Fuzzy" (and "Candle") Kentober 2021, day 21. "It was a little early in the season, but Bartholomew was thrilled to be ensconced in his comfy chair, wearing his FUZZY scarf and reading a good book by CANDLElight."

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"Moon" Kentober 2021, day 18. "Persephone loved to dance under the light of the full MOON."

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"Roof (and Spooky)" Kentober 2021, day 13. "SPOOKY the cat was caught unawares while inspecting the ROOF."

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Welcome I'm Kent Culotta, an illustrator, author, and animator, currently working on some book ideas.

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