

A place for my fantasy-themed art. Expect lots of dragons, WIPs, sketches, studies, and zero-effort doodles as I go along~

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Found some old campaign art while digging for another file. With some obvious Stalker/Helcat inspirations, these guys were designed with the idea of merging sorcery (golem magic) with modern tech that, at the time, wasn't available to the continent (some degree of rambling ahead)

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August was a hell of a month, and I ended up falling off the radar for a lot of it. I still have plans to do some late Smaugust stuff! For now, this is a snip from a larger sketch exploring the idea of how Feather's larger form would look with the same blues of her smol form.

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Thank you for the awesome opportunity, and love the attitude of that dragon sketch in the OP~

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Ayyy, always loved your art. Glad to see you around! And thanks for giving some lucky people this opportunity~

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Day 3: Aquatic
Faelin livin' her best little aquatic life~

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Day 1: Scales
This one's a little late, but here we are! Baby Ouroboros, spending much of the day climbing all over their parents, are also known to remove old scale coverings that didn't come off with a proper shed.

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Tiamat returns to her childhood passion, ruin exploration~

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Day 3 of studying spent figuring out extruded shapes and trying not to break them too badly, as well as practicing building a base shape in 3D before moving over to sculpting. Didn't have time to get the UV maps working, so did a quick photoshop color~

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Wrapping up a long day with some featuring a ferocious Crocofae running down her lunch~

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Mostly here to post dragons and, in the future, dinos. Maybe occasional humans~

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