

A lil bean with a big dream ✨

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Let me know when you find the trash cats 🏄‍♀️

2150 4133

Move the mess to avoid the stress of actually cleaning up 🙃

14586 21510

Im starting to think that I’m the problem, not the weather.

1653 3385

Me : just gonna go to the shop to get some milk
Also me, coming back from the shops :

2374 3460

I don’t know about you, but I know I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without the support of my friends and family ❤️ Something worth considering, especially on

791 2191

Whenever I try watching something on my laptop 😑

13103 9508

Shoe Shopping - a Modern Tragedy

18173 23774

The only thing I learnt in high school was how to lie to myself on a regular basis.

1701 3054