Kevin City ComicConさんのプロフィール画像

Kevin City ComicConさんのイラストまとめ

Math Enthusiast / Bad Ass M.C.


フォロー数:1252 フォロワー数:1347

Headed to the post office tomorrow. If you want to buy a zine or some stickers it would be a great time to do it!

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Letra was not wrong, this does not do Thor justice.

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Four panels from a comic you believe is a masterpiece, no title.

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For here's a small thread of wrestling themed art I've done over the years.

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I've still got a lot of zines and stickers for sale, and that's no April fool's prank.

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The Michelangelo picture I finished last week was inspired by this panel from the original layouts of the first TMNT comic. Fun I guess?

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You've just been elected to Congress, if not the bible, what book do you pick to get sworn in on? I'm picking Prison School Vol 1.

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